San Marin High Field Lighting Division: WBE Traffic Signal & Street Light Division Location: Novato, CA Description: WBE Traffic Division teamed up with BHM Construction on the installation of new (Musco) stadium field lighting for our local San Marin High...
Dublin Signal Wrap Division:WBE Traffic Signal & Street Light DivisionLocation:Dublin, CADescription:Our Traffic division is working along with a subcontractor on three detector loops. This project includes installation of temp cameras at 3 locations, traffic...
WeWork / Facebook  Division:WBE Telcom DivisionLocation:Mountain View, CADescription:WeWork is working together with Facebook on this project as Facebook is leasing the building. It is a 6 story building with a 4 level garage underneath. Our Telcom team used the...
AirBnb Atrium Division:WBE Electrical DivisionLocation:San Francisco, CADescription:The AirBnb Atrium project consisted of a complete redesign of the 16,500 square foot atrium in an occupied building. It is inclusive of new lighting, fire alarm and incorporated a new...
San Ramon Arterial Management Divisions:WBE Traffic Signal/Street Lighting, WBE TelcomLocation:Dublin, CADescription:This project includes the installation of a 96 strand fiber optic cable between signalized intersections along San Ramon Blvd. This cable will be...