SOSCOL WAY NAPA View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Soscol Way Napa, CA This traffic signal project was part of a larger city/private development project. The work included a new traffic signal system, street trenching, roadway paving, striping and new median islands....
LABORERS DISTRICT COUNCIL View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Laborers District Council Pleasanton, CA The Laborer’s District Council in Pleasanton recently came to WBE with a unique ask: impress a WOW factor upon visiting state officials and companies for their...
ASIAN ART MUSEUM View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Asian Art Museum TeamLabs San Francisco, CA The Asian Art Museum’s TeamLabs exhibit is a fully immersive and content rich environment driven by a complex system of 68 projectors, 5 unique environments, and...
UCOP MODERNIZATION View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS UCOP Modernization Oakland, CA For the UCOP Modernization project at 1111 Franklin Street in Oakland CA, WBE Telcom replaced existing Cat.5 cabling with new Cat.6A cabling on nine floors and installed new Fiber...
EAST GRAND AVENUE View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS East Grand Avenue San Francisco, CA The East Grand Avenue project consisted of installing two traffic signal systems and a fiber interconnect system that tied into the city’s main traffic signal system at the...