AirBnb San Francisco Division:W. Bradley Electric, Inc.Location:San Francisco, CAProject Cost:$1,500,000.00Description:This was a Tenant Improvement Project for online booking engine AirBnB at the old Jewelry Mart at 888 Brannan St., San Francisco. W. Bradley Electric...
BioMarin SRCC Division: W. Bradley Electric, Inc. Location: San Rafael, CA Project Cost: $3,300,000.00 Description: WBE Electric completed a year long project of a new ground up three story lab building and four story parking structure for BioMarin, a... Division: WBE Telcom Location: San Bruno, CA Description: This was a fast track project which included installation and routing of 6,454 cables, 11 IDF’s and an MDF using a Systimax Category 6 Solution. The MDF/Server Room received a total of...