Kaiser San Rafael
Kaiser San Rafael
San Rafael, CA
General Contractor: XL Construction
WBE provided electrical, nurse call, public address (PA), security/access controls, and fire alarm systems for the renovation of patient care CT Scan & Radiation Fluoroscopy Rooms at Kaiser San Rafael.
Challenges & Coordination:
The project involved working within active patient care areas, requiring extensive traceout, surveying, and close coordination to ensure minimal disruption. Strict scheduling was necessary for system cutovers, as existing electrical, fire alarm, and hospital infrastructure had to be relocated before construction could begin.
Detailed Work Performed:
- Replaced outdated electrical panels impacting adjacent active patient care rooms, requiring carefully planned outages and coordination with hospital facilities and patient care teams.
- Installed new lighting, power, and pathways to support new patient care CT Scan & Radiation Fluoroscopy equipment.
Nurse Call & PA System
- Collaborated with COMTEL on design, pathway routing, cabling supports, startup, and testing.
- Installed new nurse call initiating and notification devices, including indicator lights.
- Integrated new PA speakers into the hospital’s existing active PA system to ensure seamless communication.
Fire Alarm
- Partnered with Johnson Controls for fire alarm safe-off, rework, and relocation of existing infrastructure.
- Expanded the system to cover newly built-out areas, maintaining an active fire alarm system throughout construction.
- Installed new notification, initiating, and ancillary devices in both rooms.
- Conducted multiple fire alarm tests, witnessed by the IOR, due to stringent requirements for integrating with the active system.
Security/Access Controls
- Partnered with Convergint for system design, cabling pathways, and installation of card readers and access controls to secure doors in the new spaces.
This project demanded meticulous planning and execution to ensure critical hospital systems remained operational while modernizing the infrastructure to support new, state-of-the-art patient care equipment.
This project demanded meticulous planning and execution to ensure critical hospital systems remained operational while modernizing the infrastructure to support new, state-of-the-art patient care equipment.
Sector: Healthcare
Division: Telcom