Large Energy Company

Large Energy Company

LARGE ENERGY COMPANY View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Large Energy Company San Ramon, CA This project featured state-of-the-art AV and digital systems across 150 video conferencing rooms and 25 specialty spaces, seamlessly integrating building-wide wayfinding and...
Kaiser San Rafael

Kaiser San Rafael

Kaiser San Rafael View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS Kaiser San Rafael San Rafael, CA General Contractor: XL Construction WBE provided electrical, nurse call, public address (PA), security/access controls, and fire alarm systems for the renovation of patient care CT...
UC Davis 48X

UC Davis 48X

UC Davis 48X View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS UC Davis 48X Sacramento, CA W. Bradley Electric’s Telcom division executed the low-voltage cabling infrastructure for the UC Davis 48X Project, including Category 6A and fiber optic backbone installations to support data,...
PG&E Napa

PG&E Napa

PG&E NAPA CONFERENCE ROOM View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS PG&E Napa Conference Room Napa, CA WBE Audio Visual installed high-tech equipment in multiple conference rooms in 3 buildings onsite, with presentation and video conferencing capabilities using Samsung...


SRJC View All Projects PROJECT DETAILS SRJC Santa Rosa, CA WBE Telcom installed a new redundant fiber optic system to support over 30+ buildings. The core of the system is a 288 fiber strand cable that creates a “loop” around the campus. It included 1,728 single mode...
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