

Making a Difference

WBE is very much involved in corporate giving both in time and money to non-profits and community programs. We have made the San Francisco Business Time’s Top 100 Bay Area Corporate Philanthropy list for the 8th time this year and donate more than any other subcontractor in the Bay Area. The reason for this is that everyone participates in giving back including our CEO/CFO, executive team, managers, and employees. Our company has created a program in which each executive team member leads teams of employees to donate four hours of time each to local causes such as Marin Food Bank, St. Vincent DePaul, COTS, Homeward Bound, Earth Day, Novato Human Needs Center, and North Bay Children’s Center.

Corporate Philanthropy - Awards And Summit 2021

WBE Giving and Random Acts of Kindness Committees

WBE Team Support Boys and Girls Club

In 2024, WBE donated over $252,000 and has donated over $2,500,000 within the past seven years. Our giving supports nonprofit organizations in our community as well as members of the WBE Family who are involved with their own personal volunteer efforts. As part of our community involvement, we’re privileged to work with a variety of nonprofits whose work helps enhance the lives of many in times of need. We also support organizations that provide important services to our communities through sports, awareness, and education.

Our Giving Committee and Random Acts of Kindness Committee are great examples of how WBE likes to go above and beyond. The Giving Committee meets on a regular basis and selects worthy programs and charities to donate to. They also hold “Lunch and Learns” in our Novato office in which the organization is invited to come and share information about their cause and all lunch proceeds are donated to them afterwards. The Random Acts of Kindness Committee randomly selects individuals/organizations and surprises them with unexpected benefits. These benefits can range from passing out gift cards to donating supplies to the local animal shelter.  Everyone is encouraged to participate as reflects in one of our Core Values: “We share a mission to make an impact on our local and regional societies. We strive to mentor, give back, donate, coach and serve others so that this world is a better place because of our existence.”


Canine Companions Organization

Canine Companions

Our Giving Committee welcomed Angie Escudero and her partner Grace from “Canine Companions for Independence” to come speak at on of the lunch and learns they host for our office. We all enjoyed learning about what they do and we are proud to support this wonderful organization.

WBE Team Clean Up Lucchesi Park

Lucchesi Park Clean Up

Our RAK Committee went to Lucchesi Park in Petaluma to clean up litter and pass out toys to the kids that were playing there. As they were picking up trash a group having lunch felt inspired and asked to participate in the park clean up as well. This was awesome to see as spreading good and kindness is what this group is all about!

Care Packages for Veterans

Care Package for Veterans

Our RAK committee stopped by the Veterans Resource Center’s Hearn House in Santa Rosa to drop off some gift bags to some of our local veterans. We wanted to take a moment to let them know we appreciate their service for our county. It was a heartwarming visit where we got to share some stories and get to know them better.

WBE Team Helped Guerneville Flood Victims

Guerneville Flood Victims

In the Guerneville floods many people lost their homes and their belongings. Our RAK committee wanted to do something to help. We walked the streets and handed Safeway gift cards to people who were there cleaning up. We stopped inside the River Theater to treat them as well. We were happy to help!

WBE Activities - Paying it Forward

Paying it Forward

One of our activities included paying it forward at multiple locations. We were able to give gift cards to hotel staff, treat some people to go see a movie, cover some meals at a local restaurant and bought items for those who were in line at Goodwill. It was fun to see the smiles on everyone’s faces they were all so surprised and grateful.

WBE Caring for Caregivers

Caring for Caregivers

A few members from our RAK Committee visited the Creekwood Senior Home in Novato and brought bags stuffed with items that we thought the caregivers might enjoy such as lotion, gift cards, magazines, etc. Caregivers are often overlooked and we wanted to show them that we are thankful for them.

WBE Team Went To SRJC School To Pass Out Gift Cards

SRJC School Begins

Our RAK committee went over to the SRJC Petaluma campus the day after school began to pass out gift cards to the students on campus. We gave them each gift cards to Starbucks, Amazon, and their campus bookstore to help with some of the start up costs of being back to school.

Welcome Home Baskets

Welcome Home Baskets

The RAK committee teamed up with COTS to fill baskets full of household items and give them to families who will be re-entering a home after the tragic fires. These baskets were filled with dish soap, sponges, detergent, etc. This was for a great cause and we all had fun putting them together!

Petaluma Animal Services

Petaluma Animal Services

A few members from our Random Acts of Kindness Committee delivered over $1,000 worth of supplies to Petaluma Animal Services in order to help cover some of the items listed on their Amazon wish list for the animals there. The supplies ranged from food and toys to beds.

I continue to be impressed with your firm's community outreach activities. Keep it up!

Ben Shemuel


It’s gratifying to know that we have the support of everyone at WBE. You’re the best!

David Goodman

Redwood Empire Food Bank
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